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Quotes Skaven

All quotes by or about the Skaven race go here.


"All decent folk find the common rat repulsive. Harbinger of disease, it scavenges on our waste-heaps and frightens our children. How immeasurably worse then is the foul Skaven - standing on its hindlegs in foul parody of a human. Rats as tall as man, and blessed with the most vile intellect and cunning. They are the dark side of our souls, come to destroy us for our sins."

+++ Albrecht of Nuln. Burned at the stake, IC 1301 for pernicious declamation[1] +++

"Your doom is coming, man-things."

+++ Anon[2] +++


"Skaven society is a tyranny moderated by assassination."

+++ Bagrian, an Ancient Scholar who was assassinated by the Skaven. All copies of this quote were destroyed. Except (as of yet) this one.[3] +++


"Yes-yes Warlord Krizk - for a treaty-pledge of just 200 Slaves, 12 claws of warptokens, a Breeder and certain alliances and pledges, one of our very-very finest Clan Moulder Rat Ogres can be yours..."

+++ Clan Moulder Haggle-master[4] +++


"Sometimes - you might think I'm as crazy as a doom prophet - but sometimes I think those rats are watching me. You know, spying like. Sigmar preserve me, but I don't like it much. I'd hate to see it if the rodents ever got their way. Still, I get paid for catching a pole-full. Give us another one, Bessie."

+++ Rat-catcher Ludwig Nusbaum addresses the other customers after drinking too much ale in the tavern[5] +++



+++ Warlord Queek Head-Taker [6] +++


"All tunnels lead to Skavenblight"

+++ A common Skaven phrase alluding to the nexus of the Under-Empire. The phrase is also commonly used when admitting an exposed act of treachery. The Skaven see bretayal as inevitable, and the only regret of such acts is getting caught before succeeding.[7] +++


  1. Warhammer Armies: Skaven (7th Edition) page 7
  2. Warhammer Armies: Skaven (7th Edition) page 112
  3. Warhammer Armies: Skaven (7th Edition) Back Cover
  4. Warhammer Armies: Skaven (7th Edition) page 55
  5. Warhammer Armies: Skaven (7th Edition) page 37
  6. Warhammer Armies: Skaven (6th Edition) Back Cover
  7. Warhammer Armies: Skaven (7th Edition) page 10
Units Aberration - Brood Horror - Burrowing Behemoth - Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes - Chimaerat - Clanrat - Doomwheel - Doom-Flayer - Eshin Sorceror - Eshin Triad - Festering Chantor - Flayerkin - Giant Rat - Grey Seer - Gutter Runner - Hell-Pit Abomination - Master Assassin - Master Moulder - Night Runner - Packmaster - Plague Censer Bearer - Plagueclaw Catapult - Plague Furnace - Plague Lord - Plague Pontifex - Plague Monk - Plague Priest - Poisoned-Wind Globadier - Poisoned-Wind Mortar - Rat Ogre - Rat Rider - Rat Spawn - Rat Swarm - Ratling Gun - Rotten Rodent - Screaming Bell - Skaven Assassin - Skaven Chieftain - Skaven Warlord - Skavenslave - Stinking Thing - Stormfiend - Stormvermin - Throtling - Troll - Verminlord - Warlock Engineer - Warp-Grinder - Warp-lightning Cannon - Warplock Jezzail - Warpfire Thrower - Wolf-Rat
Characters Asorak Steeleye - Bokha - Chang Fang - Chang Kritch - Chang Squik - Drib Bentblade - Eekrit Backbiter - Feskit - Finkel - Fleer Twitchkill - Flych Sharptail - Frothrend - Gashslik - Ghoritch - Gnawdoom - Gnawdwell - Goji - Grasshk Warpeye - Griktrode Boltspear - Griskit - Gritlok - Grootose - Grotchrot - Ibkikk Snatchclaw - Ikit Claw - Iskar - Kaskitt Steelgrin - Kong Krakback - Krasslik - Kratch - Kratch Doomclaw - Kratch Gristleclaw - Kreekit - Kritch Dwarf-slicer - Kritislik - Lurkwoal - Lynsh Blacktail - Malkrit - Manxrot - Moltskin Searflesh - Morskittar - Natty Buboe - Naktwitch Nosetaker - Nartik - Nelrich - Nikkitt - Nurglitch - Paskrit - Poxtix - Queek Headtaker - Quilisk - Quirrik - Qweeqwol - Ratchitt - Rikzik Seepage - Rikkit Snapfang - Rusk - Scarskrex - Scrench - Shen Tsinge - Shissik - Shiwan Stalkscent - Skabritt - Skraekual - Skratsquik - Skrattch Scarpaw - Skreek Deathstrike - Skreek Tailblade - Skreet Verminkin - Skretch Half-Dead - Skribolt - Skrish Charwhiskers - Skrittar - Skrolk - Skweel Gnawtooth - Sleekfur - Sleekit - Slike - Sneek - Snikch - Spinetail - Squeegie Quick-Death - Squiktat - Staabnash - Szik Vilepot - Thanquol - Thratquee - Thratsnik - Throt - Tisquik - Tretch Craventail - Tsang Kweek - Twitchtail Burnpaw - Vecteek - Verminkin - Vermisch - Veskit - Viskis - Viskit Ironscratch - Viskitt Burnfang - Visktrin - Visquit Furblak - Weezil Gutgnaw - Zingetail
Skaven Clans Clan Carrion - Clan Ektrik - Clan Eshin - Clan Feesik - Clan Ferrik - Clan Flem - Clan Gangrous - Clan Griblobe - Clan Gritak - Clan Gritus - Clan Grutnik - Clan Klaw - Clan Krizzor - Clan Mange - Clan Mawrl - Clan Merkit - Clan Morbus - Clan Mors - Clan Morbidus - Clan Mordkin - Clan Moulder - Clan Pestilens - Clan Rabidscar - Clan Rictus - Clan Rikek - Clan Scruten - Clan Septik - Clan Skaar - Clan Skab - Clan Skaul - Clan Skrapp - Clan Skryre - Clan Skurvy - Clan Skuttel - Clan Sleekit - Clan Treecherik - Clan Volkn - Clan Vrrtkin
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