Poisoned-Wind Globadier

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A Globadier.

Poisoned Wind Globadiers are a class of Clan Skryre weapons-specialist that are trained in the use of chemical warfare.

The weapons of Clan Skryre are as limitless in their scope as they are dreadful in their menace. Some of the most horrifying are those that kill many enemies with only a little effort. The poison wind globes are one such weapon, and they are dispensed by an elite corps called the Globadiers. The Globadiers are trained in the uses of poisons, much like Eshin Assassins. Unlike the adepts of Clan Eshin, these Skaven instead focus their training upon toxins that can kill many enemies at once. The vapours that swim within poison wind globes are carried on the fickle winds of the battlefield and into the lungs of the enemy and, sometimes, into those of allies as well.[2]

Poisoned Wind Globes are crafted out of glass or crystal orbs filled with noxious warpstone gas. When thrown, the sphere shatters, releasing billowing clouds so lethal that mere skin contact can cause severe pain. To breath the gases would mean immenent and painful death by means of suffocation. For this reason, Globadiers wear unique protective gear which allows them to breathe these and other poisonous fumes without ill effect. Not only do the gas masks protect the Globadiers, but they lend each one a menacing appearance.[2]

On the battlefield, small teams of Poisoned Wind Globadiers would lurk between allied formations before awaiting the perfect time to let loose their cargo. At times, Globadiers are also accompanied by a Poisoned Wind Mortar to boost their firepower ten-fold. These ratmen are used in battle to decimate tight and heavily-defended enemy formations. When the opportunity arises, these ratmen would dash forward and let loose their weapons before darting back behind the safety of his comrades.[1]

Globadiers wear unique protective gear which allows them to breathe these and other poisonous fumes without ill effect. Not only do the gas masks protect the Globadiers, but they lend each one a menacing appearance. They are used in battle to decimate large units. Once their poisonous cargo has been unleashed, they draw their blades and wade into the mass of their writhing victims to cut the throats of those who still claim some semblance of life.[2] Without any gear to protect themselves from the fumes, both enemy and allies alike would die in a matter of seconds. To the Globadiers, it does not bother to them one bit and once their fell cargo have been spent, they draw their blades and wade into the mass of their writhing victims to cut the throats of those who still claim some semblance of life.[1]

Weapons and Equipment

  • 3rd Edition: Hand Weapon, Poisoned Wind Globe, may have Light Armour. [3]




Units Aberration - Brood Horror - Burrowing Behemoth - Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes - Chimaerat - Clanrat - Doomwheel - Doom-Flayer - Eshin Sorceror - Eshin Triad - Festering Chantor - Flayerkin - Giant Rat - Grey Seer - Gutter Runner - Hell-Pit Abomination - Master Assassin - Master Moulder - Night Runner - Packmaster - Plague Censer Bearer - Plagueclaw Catapult - Plague Furnace - Plague Lord - Plague Pontifex - Plague Monk - Plague Priest - Poisoned-Wind Globadier - Poisoned-Wind Mortar - Rat Ogre - Rat Rider - Rat Spawn - Rat Swarm - Ratling Gun - Rotten Rodent - Screaming Bell - Skaven Assassin - Skaven Chieftain - Skaven Warlord - Skavenslave - Stinking Thing - Stormfiend - Stormvermin - Throtling - Troll - Verminlord - Warlock Engineer - Warp-Grinder - Warp-lightning Cannon - Warplock Jezzail - Warpfire Thrower - Wolf-Rat
Characters Asorak Steeleye - Bokha - Chang Fang - Chang Kritch - Chang Squik - Drib Bentblade - Eekrit Backbiter - Feskit - Finkel - Fleer Twitchkill - Flych Sharptail - Frothrend - Gashslik - Ghoritch - Gnawdoom - Gnawdwell - Goji - Grasshk Warpeye - Griktrode Boltspear - Griskit - Gritlok - Grootose - Grotchrot - Ibkikk Snatchclaw - Ikit Claw - Iskar - Kaskitt Steelgrin - Kong Krakback - Krasslik - Kratch - Kratch Doomclaw - Kratch Gristleclaw - Kreekit - Kritch Dwarf-slicer - Kritislik - Lurkwoal - Lynsh Blacktail - Malkrit - Manxrot - Moltskin Searflesh - Morskittar - Natty Buboe - Naktwitch Nosetaker - Nartik - Nelrich - Nikkitt - Nurglitch - Paskrit - Poxtix - Queek Headtaker - Quilisk - Quirrik - Qweeqwol - Ratchitt - Rikzik Seepage - Rikkit Snapfang - Rusk - Scarskrex - Scrench - Shen Tsinge - Shissik - Shiwan Stalkscent - Skabritt - Skraekual - Skratsquik - Skrattch Scarpaw - Skreek Deathstrike - Skreek Tailblade - Skreet Verminkin - Skretch Half-Dead - Skribolt - Skrish Charwhiskers - Skrittar - Skrolk - Skweel Gnawtooth - Sleekfur - Sleekit - Slike - Sneek - Snikch - Spinetail - Squeegie Quick-Death - Squiktat - Staabnash - Szik Vilepot - Thanquol - Thratquee - Thratsnik - Throt - Tisquik - Tretch Craventail - Tsang Kweek - Twitchtail Burnpaw - Vecteek - Verminkin - Vermisch - Veskit - Viskis - Viskit Ironscratch - Viskitt Burnfang - Visktrin - Visquit Furblak - Weezil Gutgnaw - Zingetail
Skaven Clans Clan Carrion - Clan Ektrik - Clan Eshin - Clan Feesik - Clan Ferrik - Clan Flem - Clan Gangrous - Clan Griblobe - Clan Gritak - Clan Gritus - Clan Grutnik - Clan Klaw - Clan Krizzor - Clan Mange - Clan Mawrl - Clan Merkit - Clan Morbus - Clan Mors - Clan Morbidus - Clan Mordkin - Clan Moulder - Clan Pestilens - Clan Rabidscar - Clan Rictus - Clan Rikek - Clan Scruten - Clan Septik - Clan Skaar - Clan Skab - Clan Skaul - Clan Skrapp - Clan Skryre - Clan Skurvy - Clan Skuttel - Clan Sleekit - Clan Treecherik - Clan Volkn - Clan Vrrtkin
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