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Skavenslaves, sometimes called Clanrat Slaves, form the very bottom rank of society in the hierarchy of the Skaven Clans. [3]

They occupy a cruel and miserable position, but an essential one, for Skaven society is run by their unceasing labor. They carry out all menial labor, including mining, tunneling and food production.[4a]

The slave class is made up of Skaven born into bondage, along with the remnants of a fallen Skaven clan enslaved by the victorious rival, and even non-Skaven. During wartime they are put to use as expendable cannon fodder, driven to the fore of an assault, mainly to absorb enemy fire or to tire the foe before the "real" attack. If some of them manage to take down a few of the enemy, this is considered a bonus.[1][2][3]


Many races labour in the Under Empire, working side by side but few last more than a year. It is rare for non-skaven slaves to be used in battle as there is too much risk that they might instead turn on their masters or flee. [7]

Slaves life

  • Approximately one hour before Dawn: The Slavemasters wake the slaves, those who fail to respond or merely draw their ire are ripped to pieces, thrown to Rat Ogres or burnt alive. [7]
  • Dawn: They are set to work and will be required to do so for sixteen hours before being fed - usually the slop includes those who were killed earlier. Not enough food is given for all the slaves and so fights break out with the weakest often being devoured as well. Slaves will resume work after about an hour but the strongest will then be taken away to serve as fodder in Stormvermin training sessions. [7]
  • About three hours before Dawn: Slaves are manacled together and left to sleep in their work area. Often racial tensions resurface in this time and the hungry attack the weaker survivors. [7]

Weapons and Equipment

  • 2nd Edition: Hand Weapon. Led by a Warrior Skaven. May have Halberd, Shield. May have Musician and Standard Bearer. Slaves are manacled. [6a]
  • 3rd Edition: Hand Weapon, may have Shield, Sling, Spear. May have Musician, Standard Bearer. [3]
  • 4th Edition: Hand Weapon, may have Shield, Sling, Spear. [5a]




Units Aberration - Brood Horror - Burrowing Behemoth - Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes - Chimaerat - Clanrat - Doomwheel - Doom-Flayer - Eshin Sorceror - Eshin Triad - Festering Chantor - Flayerkin - Giant Rat - Grey Seer - Gutter Runner - Hell-Pit Abomination - Master Assassin - Master Moulder - Night Runner - Packmaster - Plague Censer Bearer - Plagueclaw Catapult - Plague Furnace - Plague Lord - Plague Pontifex - Plague Monk - Plague Priest - Poisoned-Wind Globadier - Poisoned-Wind Mortar - Rat Ogre - Rat Rider - Rat Spawn - Rat Swarm - Ratling Gun - Rotten Rodent - Screaming Bell - Skaven Assassin - Skaven Chieftain - Skaven Warlord - Skavenslave - Stinking Thing - Stormfiend - Stormvermin - Throtling - Troll - Verminlord - Warlock Engineer - Warp-Grinder - Warp-lightning Cannon - Warplock Jezzail - Warpfire Thrower - Wolf-Rat
Characters Asorak Steeleye - Bokha - Chang Fang - Chang Kritch - Chang Squik - Drib Bentblade - Eekrit Backbiter - Feskit - Finkel - Fleer Twitchkill - Flych Sharptail - Frothrend - Gashslik - Ghoritch - Gnawdoom - Gnawdwell - Goji - Grasshk Warpeye - Griktrode Boltspear - Griskit - Gritlok - Grootose - Grotchrot - Ibkikk Snatchclaw - Ikit Claw - Iskar - Kaskitt Steelgrin - Kong Krakback - Krasslik - Kratch - Kratch Doomclaw - Kratch Gristleclaw - Kreekit - Kritch Dwarf-slicer - Kritislik - Lurkwoal - Lynsh Blacktail - Malkrit - Manxrot - Moltskin Searflesh - Morskittar - Natty Buboe - Naktwitch Nosetaker - Nartik - Nelrich - Nikkitt - Nurglitch - Paskrit - Poxtix - Queek Headtaker - Quilisk - Quirrik - Qweeqwol - Ratchitt - Rikzik Seepage - Rikkit Snapfang - Rusk - Scarskrex - Scrench - Shen Tsinge - Shissik - Shiwan Stalkscent - Skabritt - Skraekual - Skratsquik - Skrattch Scarpaw - Skreek Deathstrike - Skreek Tailblade - Skreet Verminkin - Skretch Half-Dead - Skribolt - Skrish Charwhiskers - Skrittar - Skrolk - Skweel Gnawtooth - Sleekfur - Sleekit - Slike - Sneek - Snikch - Spinetail - Squeegie Quick-Death - Squiktat - Staabnash - Szik Vilepot - Thanquol - Thratquee - Thratsnik - Throt - Tisquik - Tretch Craventail - Tsang Kweek - Twitchtail Burnpaw - Vecteek - Verminkin - Vermisch - Veskit - Viskis - Viskit Ironscratch - Viskitt Burnfang - Visktrin - Visquit Furblak - Weezil Gutgnaw - Zingetail
Skaven Clans Clan Carrion - Clan Ektrik - Clan Eshin - Clan Feesik - Clan Ferrik - Clan Flem - Clan Gangrous - Clan Griblobe - Clan Gritak - Clan Gritus - Clan Grutnik - Clan Klaw - Clan Krizzor - Clan Mange - Clan Mawrl - Clan Merkit - Clan Morbus - Clan Mors - Clan Morbidus - Clan Mordkin - Clan Moulder - Clan Pestilens - Clan Rabidscar - Clan Rictus - Clan Rikek - Clan Scruten - Clan Septik - Clan Skaar - Clan Skab - Clan Skaul - Clan Skrapp - Clan Skryre - Clan Skurvy - Clan Skuttel - Clan Sleekit - Clan Treecherik - Clan Volkn - Clan Vrrtkin
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