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Kislevarin is the language spoken in Kislev.Needs Citation


Almost all Kislevites speak Kislevarin. It is a combination of the old Ropsmenn and Ungol tongues with additional words coming from the Gospodars. It also has a few words from Reikspiel. For non-native speakers, it is extremely hard to learn.Needs Citation


There are many dialects spoken in Kislev, however, most of them are mutually understandable. Most of the differences follow old tribal boundaries.Needs Citation

  • Dolvarin, spoken in he north.Needs Citation
  • Górelsk, occasionally spoken in the north. It is said to be the original Ropsmenn language.Needs Citation
  • Krevarin, spoken in the east.Needs Citation
  • Sudevarin, spoken mainly in the south.Needs Citation
  • Tzavarin, occasionally spoken in Kislev City.Needs Citation

Gender Structure

Kislevarin has a very complex gender system. It combines three qualities; gender (masculine vs. feminine), personality (personal vs. non-personal), and vitality (animate vs. inanimate). This is what makes it so hard for outsiders to learn.Needs Citation


Word Literal Translation Meaning Source
Ahrain Shadows, night, stealth, secrets, perfidiousness Needs Citation
Ataman The village chief Needs Citation
Atamanka A female village chief Needs Citation
Bachór An unruly child or a stupid warrior Needs Citation
Blyad An immoral woman Needs Citation
Boyar Nobleman Needs Citation
Burmistrz Burgomeiser, mayor Needs Citation
Chapka A fur-lined hat Needs Citation
Dewastacja Destruction, the desolation left after a Chaos incursion Needs Citation
Do Widzenia Good bye or die well Needs Citation
Droyaska A master swordsman Needs Citation
Druzhina A noble Needs Citation
Dzien Dobry Good day Needs Citation
Esaul Steward Needs Citation
Kibitkas Portable huts Needs Citation
Kika A headdress worn by married women Needs Citation
Konuishy The Master of the House of the Ice Queen Needs Citation
Korzna A type of cloak worn by nobles Needs Citation
Koszmar A time when evil spirits are out; a nightmare Needs Citation
Koumiss An alcoholic beverage brewed from horse's milk Needs Citation
Kozhukhi Sheepskin coat Needs Citation
Krashenin Dyed linen Needs Citation
Krowa A crow or a stupid person Needs Citation
Krug Circle A group of Ungol horsemen Needs Citation
Kvas A beverage similar vodka that also has medical qualities Needs Citation
Kyazak Bandits, raiders Needs Citation
Lapti Blunt-toed shoes Needs Citation
Mazurka A type of Kislevie folk-dance Needs Citation
Nekulturny An uncultured, undignified person Needs Citation
Oblast A wide, frozen plain Needs Citation
Prospekt Street Needs Citation
Pulk Army Needs Citation
Raspashnoe An open-fronted coat Needs Citation
Raspotitsa When snow covers the plains Needs Citation
Roketz Rockets Needs Citation
Rota A unit of troops Needs Citation
Rubakha A loose, ankle-length garment Needs Citation
Samogon Crude moonshine Needs Citation
Stanitsa A large settlement or town Needs Citation
Stem-tzak Steam Tank Needs Citation
Svolich Someone with inferior lineage Needs Citation
Świnia A pig, or one who has no respect for tradition Needs Citation
Szlachta Nobility Needs Citation
Tirsa A tiny settlement Needs Citation
Urtza The four-year cycle of the Ungol calendar Needs Citation
Venet Elaborate headgear worn by maidens Needs Citation
Yurta A tent, play on the word "yurt" Needs Citation
Zal A village's meetinghouse Needs Citation
Zza From beyond; where chaos raiders come from Needs Citation



Units Boyar - Druzhina - Elemental Bear - Great Sabre-toothed Snow Leopard - Gryphon Legion - Frost Maiden - Frost Wyrm - Hag Witches - Ice Guard - Ice Witch - Kossar - Kreml Guard - Little Grom - Patriarch - Streltsi - Trained Bears - Ungol Horse Archer - War Bear Rider - War Sled - Winged Lancer
Characters Alexis Romanoff - Boris Ursus - Daryna Borinado Bokha - Evegena Boradin - Feydaj - Gospodar IV - Hethis Chaq - Igor the Terrible - Katarin - Kattarin - Katrina Volkova - Kazahaila Yevschenko - Kostaltyn - Mishenka Romanoff - Miska the Slaughterer - Mother Ostankya - Nadyezhda Dochtalika Vdovyn - Naryska Leysa - Nyvena - Oleg Kuryitsin - Petr Ilanovich Chesnekov - Raiza - Saronovich - Sergei Bukharin - Shoika - Sofia - Subotan - Ulrika Magdova - Vajena Ursolavnuka - Valdos Uvetovsk - Vladimir Bokha - Vladimira Tchaikofiev‎‎ - Weiran - Yuri Barkov
Towns and Cities Chernozavtra - Erengrad - Gerslev - Great Rasputia - Kharakorsi - Kislev - Praag - Zamoski
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