Warhammer - The Old World - Lexicanum:Tutorial (Page 6)

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Lexicanum Tutorial:      Start - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7

Wiki attitudes

The Wiki principle encourages friendly discussion of ideas with each other. Naturally, there are many areas of conflict and controversy but members of the Lexicanum community are expected to behave as civilized people.

It is most important to proceed with only good will towards other editors, and not the idea that you are correct and that they are wrong. Provide valid sources for your reasoning points, and keep exclusively to the facts. If someone annoys you, write a polite comment on the article discussion page or their user page asking their reasons. Often you will find this way you can avoid a conflict or misunderstanding.

Neutral Point of View

An important basic rule in Lexicanum is to have a "neutral point of view". This means that all relevant material is accepted regarding a topic. This helps to allow an article to show all sides of the argument. Our goal is to be informative, not to try to change people's minds (or armies) towards our own views. Often both sides are convinced that their view is correct, but in Lexicanum both sides are represented. We present the facts, not an argument.


Please do not copy straight from other web pages and protected works without permission of the owners. Copywrited text must be rewritten to protect Lexicanum, at least 30%. Be sure to mark direct quotations correctly. Remember, the best articles are often written by people who know the subject well and are using several sources of information.

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